Picture of Kathy

Hi, my name is Kathy

I am a

Picture of Kathy grinninh widely

About Me

I am a creative and open-minded full-stack web developer who enjoys making innovative applications as solutions to modern-day problems. Passionate about designing unique and performant products that aim to make an impact on the world we live in and help the people within it. As a previous banker in various financial institutions, my customer service experience in client-facing roles allows me to bring strong analytical and interpersonal skills to any team.


JavaScript, React, Python, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, jQuery, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Django, DTL, EJS, PostgreSQL, C#


Fluent: Mandarin & English | Proficient: French | Beginner: Japanese & Korean

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Project Zero: Tiny Farm

This project was created as the very first project for General Assembly. The purpose of this project was to reproduce a game mechanic (inspired by the © Tamagotchi) of using timers to showcase the pet's current state and trying to keep it alive through actionable items that increment the pet's hunger, happiness, and sleepiness stats.

Technologies Used
JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS
Project One: Foodie

A full-stack web application that allows users to post food reviews of restaurants they've dined in. This project showcases full CRUD functionality and uses restful routing on the backend.

Technologies Used
MEN Stack (MongoDB, Express, Node.js), JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS
Project Two: Twitter Clone

A full-stack web application that replicates select features from Twitter as a reverse engineer of the website. The purpose of this project is to try and recreate the layout and functionality of an existing website, including user authentication, search, and full CRUD. This clone was built as a github collaboration with a peer in General Assembly.

Technologies Used
MEN Stack (Node.js, Express, EJS, MongoDB), JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS
Project Three: Exploria

An art exploration and social media full-stack application. It includes features like user accounts, profiles, posting content, and commenting. Exploria was built as a github collaboration between 3 other members of General Assembly Bootcamp.

Technologies Used
Django, Python, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, HTML, SASS, CSS
Capstone Project: Quizzr

General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive's Coding Bootcamp Capstone Project. Quizzr is an online quiz game application, that allows users to create and play quizzes, it features full CRUD functionality and is currently being expanded into multiplayer with WebSockets.

Technologies Used
MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node), JavaScript, HTML, SASS, CSS

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